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Crystal Cast 1000
Crystal Cast 1000 is a mercury-free, two component thermoset system which is water clear when cured. Crystal Cast 1000 is ideal for rapid prototyping, embedding or any type of clear casting application.
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ALCHEMIX PU 3720 is a machine-mixed polyurethane paste system that is particularly suitable for the manufacture of design / styling models, master models or parts requiring high strength combined with low density. The product is thixotropic and cures quickly, allowing the rapid build-up of layers and the printing of parts with overhanging sections. The cured material can be easily machined or worked with hand tools to give a smooth surface finish. Printing parts using ALCHEMIX PU 3720 gives a significant reduction in waste when compared to traditional methods. Learn More -
ALCHEMIX VC 3351 is a two component UV stable, water clear vacuum casting system designed specifically for use in gravity vacuum casting machines. ALCHEMIX VC 3351 has excellent mechanical properties and can be used to simulate thermoplastics such polycarbonate, shock resistant PMMA and ABS. A slow version ALCHEMIX VC 3351S, is also available. Learn More